Nastya Ventsereva
2 min readApr 29, 2020

Hi everyone !

Today I finally read another part of the Tunger games. Now I want to introduce you a couple of new words and tell you about the symbols in this book.

•An initial jolt-первичный удар

•To drug-одурманить

•To gobble up/down-сожрать,поглощать

•Canopy- навес

There are a lot of symbols in the book. For instance:

✨ In this book, there is such a gesture as 3 fingers raised up . It means appreciation and admiration and saying goodbye to the people who we love. It is commonly used at funerals.

✨ Kitness was named after a plant that grows out of the water , like an arrow. She mentions this while swimming in a pond in the woods. Katniss (both a plant and a girl) is a symbol of survival, and also reflects the skill of archery, since she is named after a plant in the form of an arrow.

✨ Bread is a symbol of life, friendship, survival and love. When they(Peeta and Katniss) were 11 years old, Peeta set fire to 2 loaves of bread so that he could give them to Katniss, and she could feed herself and her family. Also, the division of food can be carried out with the symbolism of the division of troubles and adversity together.

✨ The mockingjay brooch is a reminder of home during Games.

✨ Ruth’s flowers-they represent honor, respect, and protest. After killing Ruth, Kitness decorates the dead body of the girls with flowers, thereby stating that she is not just a pawn in the game. In this way, Katniss tries to convey to the Capitol that Ruth is not a toy,she was a little innocent girl, a victim.

The author did not want to say this directly because he wants people to understand everything themselves,think better,so he drew an analogy,I think.

That’s all for today. Bye! Take care;)

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