Life is the most difficult exam.
Yes, it really the truth. Life is the strictest teacher who gives the most difficult challenges. You never know in advance what will happen in your life, and if you fail some part of the test, then you can not retake it. Therefore, you should always think about your actions and decisions in advance, think about your words and behavior, and if you did not do this,then you will get what you deserve. That’s fair enough. But what is even more interesting is the unpredictable turns of events. There are things that are impossible to predict at all. Here we can only take risks. Life teaches us that on the one hand, everything depends on us, but on the other hand, you need to be ready for everything. If everything was perfect, it would be uninteresting to live. Life is our personal mission, we can never “write off the answers to this test” from others, we are all waiting for different tasks and different rewards.
I hope to live this life so that in my old age I can say that it was all not in vain, and life is a strict teacher, but incredibly beloved, although it is the most difficult exam, but I passed it 100%.