Nastya Ventsereva
1 min readFeb 27, 2020

Recently I’ve read a part of the book called “The hunger games” by S.Collins.

As for me, it’s a pretty good book, easy to read in one go. Reading it, you experience, learn new things, try to guess what will happen next 🤩.

I really like the main character Katniss,she is very brave and purposeful.

My friend advised me to read this book a long time ago, but I put it off for a long time. Now I have the opportunity to study it in class, I am very content.

The book is very interesting and has a fascinating story, so it met my expectations. In fact, I like to read books written by beautiful literary language, books,which address important issues, questions,but for a change, I chose this book.

By the way…

Reading the book, I found the words unfamiliar for me and some of them I want to share with you:

  • To sacrifice-жертвовать
  • To perch-взгромоздиться
  • Concealed-скрытый
  • Eligibility-приемлимость, законность

You can remember them and use them in speech.
That’s all, thank you for your attention 🥰.

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